Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerard Aumont




5 Avenue de Suffren,

Paris, VII



January 7th, 1929.



Dear Sir:


I am empowered by Mr. Gerald Yorke, resident at 9, Mansfield Street, London, W. 1. to make you the following offer:


I am the author of certain literary works in the English language.


I desire to have the said literary works translated into the French language.


I understand that you are willing to make the French translations of the said works, or such of them as may be agreed between us as suitable.


I hereby entrust the translation of the said works to you, and if you accept the terms of this letter, you agree to make at least translations of those books, essays, plays, etc. which you have set forth in the schedule sent to me in your recent letter, and complete the same ready for publication not later than May 2nd, 1929. The acceptance of the terms of this letter imply a further agreement on your part that you will furnish a copy of everything translated to me as soon as such translation is ready for publication.


It is further understood that as soon as your military service is terminated you will come to Paris and negotiate with publishers, editors, etc., for the publication of the aforesaid translations.


The royalties accruing from the publication of the said works shall be divided equally between us, that is to say 50% to me and 50% to you.


If you should fail, within a period of six months after you have completed military service, to find a publisher willing to publish the said works, and to advance the sum of Frs. 10,000 on account of royalties, then Mr. Yorke will have the right to cause the said works to be published himself, and you will forfeit all your rights to further royalties.


In accepting the terms you acknowledge that you have received from me the sum of Frs. 2,700 for services rendered and also Frs. 3,000 as an advance on account of the royalties which are due you under this arrangement.


Immediately upon your indicating to Mr. Yorke that you are willing to accept the terms of this letter, he will send you 2,500 frs. as a further advance on your share of the royalties.


Yours faithfully,


Aleister Crowley



Sergent Gerard Aumont,

Bureau du 3° Bataillion,

28e R. T. T.,

Caserne Serin, Lyon.


