Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Aleister Crowley
9, Mansfield Street. W.1.
Pyke has just sent me a cheque for £44-16-1 in settlement of Pickfords claim. He then deducted £22-18-1 from their cheque and sent it to Mrs. Walker. I may succeed in getting it from her—it is worth trying. This £44-16-1 then to be split in two as per [illegible] agreement.
So I send you a cheque for £22-18-1. If you like to use this towards paying rent for the flat it would justify your staying on for another month from the point of view of the trust agreement.
Just to annoy I enclose your letter to me mentioning Stalleybrass. It is the only way I can get my own back on you when you fuck me up over spelling and grammar.
I send you a cheque instead of a draft for accounting purposes. Please send me a receipt.
The answer to your [illegible] re probationers oath and [illegible].
[illegible] is an act or truth, and so I work deliberately.
[illegible], with a special information to direct comments in my direction as opposed to bothering my associates.