Correspondence from N. J. N. Foreman to Aleister Crowley




142 Fletching Road,

Clapton. London E. 5.



14/1/29 [14 January 1929]



Dear Beast,


Thanks for your letter of the 5th.


I had a very bad time indeed just before Xmas. The immediate cause was an interview with Harry Collison. I did my best—really—to deal with him in a friendly spirit. In fact, I went so far as to behave like a fool and give him my confidence, by trying to explain to him just why the "Galilean" pseudo occult exercises did me no good. He had, however, got his knife into me up to the hilt for, apparently, declining to carry out the aforementioned exercises—he maintaining that my indisposition to go on with a lot of rubbish (or at least harmful work) constituted treachery. This, of course, is the crassest nonsense. He then threatened me with various pains and penalties, which he professed to see coming upon me, and loaded me with insults. A very painful time followed, and unfortunately it coincided with a period of weakness and exhaustion (of, I think, a physical nature) from which I have not wholly recovered.


It has often been somewhat of a riddle to me that the thoughts and suggestions that sink deeply into the soul are not those on which the conscious mind broods, so to speak. Long hours spent in meditation count less than a stray suggestion conveyed perhaps by a newspaper placard on which the eye has idly dwelt.


However, I am wandering from the point. Having had a sharp lesson, I was damned cautious when your name was mentioned at Collisons. Of course, I did not dissemble my admiration for 666, which brought further prophecies of evil—mostly after death I gathered and somewhat ludicrous. These caused me no concern!! Leaving that unfortunate incident, I have to report I am working hard at Pranayama which I think is going to help a lot.


I do not deceive myself that the Great Work is going to be anything but terribly hard, but there is nothing for it but to get on with it, day in and day out. I have a hell of a lot to learn though.


You will remember your delightful rendering of "Hold the Fort". Will you please define the word "Tophat" in this connection.


For the reason mentioned in my last letter, I enclose a further 10.


"Blessing and Worship to the Beast


The Prophet of the Lovely Star"


N. J. N. Foreman


