Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Gerald Yorke




5 Avenue de Suffren,

Paris, VII



January 20th, 1929.



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letters have been received.


Beast is quite unwell today, hence he himself is not writing.


But it is quite imperative that you arrange, if possible, to stay over Monday the 28th, as we have just heard from Aumont [Gerard Aumont] that he might not be able to arrive in Paris before 8 o'clock on Sunday night, which otherwise would be just about the time you would depart.


Try all in your power to arrange to do this.


Love is the law, love under will.


With every good wish,


Yours fraternally,


Israel Regardie





Gerald Yorke, Esq.,

9, Mansfield Street,

London, W. 1.


