Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 Avenue de Suffren,

Paris, VII



January 23rd, 1929



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It is really of the first importance that you should see Aumont [Gerard Aumont], if it were only for two or three hours, to say nothing of the fact that you are expected to call at the Prefecture of Police on Monday morning.


Aumont writes a long military explanation. Unless he has a rather improbable piece of luck, he cannot reach Paris before Sunday night. You can surely manage to stay till Monday night if you try. I really feel that the position is very critical, and that upon the conjunction of such fortunate planets as yourself, Aumont, and Mr. Chiappe, the whole of our success may depend.


I have tried to arrange an interview between you and Mr. Holroyd Reese, of the Pegasus Press, for Saturday or Sunday.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,





Gerald Yorke, Esq.,

9, Mansfield Street,

London, W.1.


