Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith Aleister Crowley
25 Feb 29
. . . Nothing mush to say just now. . . . I played the part of a maiden and lost my maidenhood so to speak Saturday. I don't think however there is any danger of my becoming a mother. It was a very novel experience for me but as far as I can judge I carried off the part fairly well of course Jack Marchen might really be thinking otherwise. I suppose I acted very green after all. I positively got no sexual reaction myself at all. All the actual time the pain experienced may have been the cause of that. But in the preliminaries it was just the will to go through with it without any feelings sexual desires on my part. If the chance arises I will try again and perhaps take a more personal interest.
Jack I think has possibilities in your hands. I can't tell you very much about him, for I frankly don't place him myself. He is a better class man than I have generally met with in this benighted country. He tells me he has never had any experience with a woman. He is about 28 or 30. A dancer. His professional Brother takes the part of a woman on the stage.
He finds it all too easy to get on the astral plane. Both of them in that respect. In your hands with training he might be very useful. Jack has had so many unpleasant experiences that he is scared and had kept away from it for some time now. His belief in a gold cross that he always wears is his medium for checking involuntary journeys. No I can't get at his mind so to speak because he will flit, barely light on a subject before he is off on another.
I think Estai [Jane Wolfe] is right in one part, that he has a desire to experience the diabolical. I don't think he would take much from me. He hardly appears to notice a remark I might make. I am rather conscious of having given you a damned poor idea of the man; but I just don't get him myself except in a very vague kind of way.
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