Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
[Undated: circa late March 1929]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
You might go to see Paul at the Palace Hotel (he used be night porter at the Berkeley London.) He has a string of little country pubs, one of which might suit you while you vegetate—and retype the Memoirs [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. This will be very useful, as a man from Hearst came to-day, and proposed a long contract which should bring in £50 a week. And if things should go wrong, I'd have to furnish him with a full duplicate.
If Paul fails, the owner of "The Silver Grill" might serve your turn.
The main thing for you is to keep your head, and not worry one bit, and leave me to do the fighting.
de M. [Maria de Miramar] ought to be working at something—embroidery or what not—to keep her from worrying.
Lawyer out of town till Monday: so—bar disasters—no news till then.
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