Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
[Undated: circa March 1929]
Thanks for wire. That Bank must be crazy. I had a terrible scene with old Mother Moses.[1]
I think you're a little hard on the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He spends "other people's money" for the general welfare, according to his last judgment, and that of his technical advisers.
What's the diff?
Absolutely no news from my lawyer, or from the police.
Doctor giving me strong tonics; feel a little better. No more fever, but much exhaustion. And my nerves are feeling the storm.
One trouble is; the flat costs no less to run now then when we were 3—The whole show is going to cost £100, at least: but Victory will pay all.
Should hear from Carney in a week or 10 days.
Very worrying one can't help Aumont [Gerard Aumont].
I do hope you'll come over, if only for a day. We have to reconstruct seriously. I've got Am[erican] Ex[press] Co. to see to all packing and storage if necessary.
Shall get rid of apartment in any case on April 20.
Too tired and nervous to write properly. I need badly to see you.
93 93/93
Please wire if you can come.
I'll wire if anything serious turns up.