Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Gerald Yorke




55 Avenue de Suffren,

Paris, VII



March 6th, 1929



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Just a line or so.


AC is in bed again with no inconsiderable fever and a hacking cough, and sneezing like the dickens. Frankly, I am no little alarmed, and I think if he doesn't show any signs of improvement, Dr. Jarvis [Dr. Charles Jarvis] will be here Friday morning.


This looks like a real attack of the flu, brought on, I should say, first by getting out of bed last week before properly cured, and secondly by playing chess on Sunday for the Coupe de Paris [Chess Club], again. All this, plus the natural business worry, on which I need not comment, is probably the cause.


On top of this, de Miramar [Maria de Miramar] is unwell—probably with enteritis. Myself, the less said the better, but I have been feeling perfectly rotten.


I am only writing this, merely to keep you informed about the conditions here. I am quite nervous—first with both of them sick, and with things in the condition they are.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally


358 [Israel Regardie]


