Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
55 [Avenue de Suffren]
13 March [1929]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Glad of your letter: sorry you didn't wire, and save time and money.
I wire you 1000 fr[ancs] this A.M. early: hope you can manage for 15 days—or till things go right.
Claude Farričre back in Paris to-night.
Slocombe back in Paris To-morrow.
Hope these will make trouble.
Expect to see a really first class lawyer with political pull to-morrow: one who can phone the Prefecture and get you both back within 24 hours.
But the one and only plan is to get after Hundt [Carl de Vidal Hunt], as I told that 1/4 manling long ago. Yes—you put the Fear of God into him! I've written him some myself.
I think my certificate will keep me safe here till 23rd. I am really pretty damn sick: coughing all night etc.
Yes: get your consuls to protest formally against expulsion. Say it's a death sentence, and that no one dare even pretend that you have done anything wrong.
Make Snorah laugh on the wrong side of her mouth by cabling you $200.
If de M. [Maria de Miramar] can't stay in Belgium, send her to Frau Eastlake 60 allče Guntersburg Frankfort A.M. with a letter demanding hospitality for her in the Name of the Order.
I am pulling many strings; one or other will ring the bell.
But I'm dead tired, and really rather worried—till I am sure that I can make a public scandal and sell a million copies of the Memoirs [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley].
I'm glad you're acting so rightly in this ordeal. And Y. [Gerald Yorke] ought to feel what a piece of soft shit he is. We don't want money; we want blood!
So tired: good-night.
93 93/93
P.S. I do think the Gods are looking out p[retty] d[amn] well for you, giving you all this hell at 21!