Correspondence from Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans





206 Lincoln Place




March 25, 1929.



Dear Evans,


I saw Mr. Keegan of Pickfords about the refund you spoke about Saturday last. It turns out that this is not a refund on duty but rather a compensation for a claim I put in July 1928 for several books which I found missing in the shipment.


The cheque will be made out by the customs authorities, will have to be made out in your name. Mr. Keegan promised to speed the matter and to try to get it from the Customs House within a few days. He will then send it to you at once. May I ask you to endorse it to Miss Cora Eaton and send it to her address 309 West 57th Street, N.Y. City as soon as you receive it?


It may interest you to hear that I had a cable from A.C. May-be that after all things will be arranged. There seems to be some sort of blackmailing.


You said you were going to Philadelphia. I hope you will be able to settle things with the bookshop there. If they should not have any chance of selling Crowley's books I should much prefer to take them back. While the bookdealer in Hartford or Cambridge (I forget which) has been handling matters in the most courteous manner I do not even get answers from Philadelphia. Yet they have sold books as long as over one year ago and have not yet sent in the money.


Yours sincerely


Karl Germer


