Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
[1 April 1929]
Yours of 28th[?]
By this time you will have my 'miracle' letter.
My lawyer is away on holiday till the 8th, and has fixed up things till then.
What I want you to see is that by quiet and discreet action we can clear up the whole trouble once for all. If we can get the word passed round in the right quarters, we can sell the Memoirs [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] (and other books) even in England.
I had to stay on another month, for Mrs. Moses claimed that I had not given proper notice. She's a tidy ole swine, but this time I'll make sure!
Don't accept Mrs. Küntzel's [Martha Küntzel] £2. Those old people need it too badly.
I'll expect you here Sat. A.M. 6th April, and try to get the Minister's [of the Interior] friend to meet you at lunch. Then we can all combine a final Victory for next week. Please wire me that you are coming.
My nerves are all got to pot, physically. I shall love to have a month in the country once this foolishness is settled.
Holroyd Reece should be here next week too.
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