Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
[on the stationary of:] Hotel Metropole Bruxelles
18 April [1929]
C∴[ara] S∴[oror]
I'm very tired with all this damn [illegible], but everything is working out quite well. We have to wait—and work like hell—for the next month or so.
The real problem is to strike that R.[ich] M.[an] from the W.[est] who will back our campaign from the standpoint of seeing fair play, not from personal reasons. You and Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] ought to be able to manage that. A statement, with photographs of the Hunt and Bass documents, will be issued in a few days.
olly good!
93 93/93.
Lots of other articles: no have yet. Send me any you can find in U.S.A. I hope your health is O.K.