Correspondence from Vern C. Haskins to Aleister Crowley




212 No. New Hampshire

Los Angeles, Calif.



April 24 1929



Dear Mr. Crowley,


Mr. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has very kindly allowed me the privilege of studying some of your poetical works, and being interested in musical composition, I have set two of them to music.


These songs have been sung on concert programs with considerable success, and I believe that if they were published, they would meet with a ready response in the public's musical taste.


The two lyrics I have used are Song of Charicles and Song of Orpheus, beginning respectively with lines "Not these do I fear" and "Within the forest gloom."


May I have your permission to use these songs for publication.


Very sincerely yours,


Mr. Vern C. Haskins



[note in the hand of Crowley:]

Agreed on 50-50 basis—Shouldn't we have a regular form of contract to send such people.


