Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
[Undated: circa early May 1929]
Please see letter to Pat, countersign (with your motto) (As Germer [Karl Germer] has done) and forward.
Things have become so much madder that I may go to Leipzig the moment (a) the contracts are signed. (b) I have seen you and Williamson.
The story is too long to tell—proofs, [illegible] and excursions in the way.
I sent Germer to Brussels this A.M. to arrange things.
Now what day do you get back? Wire me! Or, I would come to [illegible] if I could have just one hour's talk. Please wire "about that!
We have got to put an end to these international blackmailers.
It's beyond the permitted limit! And Nick [Lieutenant Colonel John Carter] will have to help.
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P.S. Regardie [Israel Regardie] is in rather a bad way. He has varicocele, and needs to be operated. That would cure most of his hypochondria—as in the case of Neuburg [Victor B. Neuburg].
But as things are, he sees ghosts in every nightshirt!
A wire from Germer, that he has no connexions who could help Silly ass! He doesn't try to make them.
However, I suppose that seems that we have to dig once more with Cora [Cora Eaton].
I hope you have written adequately ad hoc.
I've asked Regardie not to send me any letters, unless an urgent reply is needed. He comes here for a day or two on May 10 and then I can deal with all at once.
[Illegible], I need rest for my nerves, And, believe me, this is the place!