Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Hotel Metropole,





May 24th, 1929



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of the 25th. As to-day is the 24th. I think the postal service must be considerably improved.


Please tell the boy bandit that I adore inquisitiveness and that I shall consider myself on my honour to tell him the whole truth about any matter that he likes to ask me about. I hope further that he will not object to a little inquisitiveness on my part. What baffles me in this whole affair is the psychology of the officials. However, we hope that the thing will be cleaned up.


The marriage bells are being cast by competent founders. I regret to state that this process is costing money. For example, we have just had to pay 450 francs for one certificate, and I shall owe perhaps £3 to Scotland when my divorce papers arrive. There will also be the expense of having the papers done into Belgian by sworn translators and I don't know how much all this is going to cost.


On Monday, after paying the hotel bill, I shall have about 1,500 to 2,000 French francs left. But Germer's [Karl Germer] $130.00 ought to reach you by Monday.


If Brown's Hotel is too expensive, perhaps the First Avenue would do and it might be more convenient with regard to meeting at lunch.


The only thing I want to avoid is to have the papers and the enemy in general think that I am reduced to desperation. It would encourage them to renew their attacks and make it practically impossible for me to put over any big business in London as I hope to do.


I wish, by the way, you would explain why you think I am sometimes "delirious." Surely you should warn a friend of such misfortunes that he may consult the nearest specialist!!


Bar accidents, the, we dine together on Tuesday June 11th. If there are any hitches about the marriage I will come over alone. This of course, too, will be an economy and might facilitate my getting things over in England. At the same time, it seems pretty hard on the girl.


Perhaps Germer will have shown Cora [Cora Eaton] where she gets off long before then.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally




