Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith Aleister Crowley
31 May 29
. . . Mrs R [Rosa Reynolds] is impossible. I don't think I told you she was furious at the letter you wrote her and sent to me some time ago. Since receipt of the photographs I called and endeavoured to get her to make a declaration that she had not written the one bearing her signature. She just was frantic and I really thought she was going to have a fit. She would on no account take the least look at it let alone make any statement. From the fact that she particularly declared she had not written such a letter when I showed her the first typewritten copy you sent, you can draw your own conclusions. She has no very kindly feeling towards you mainly I suppose from letters K. [Kasimira Bass] has written, though her mediumistic impressions account for some of it. K. also sent back to her the letter I wrote and as I had said something about emotional mediums, she was not pleased. She stated that K. was safe, happy and in business for herself in South-America and as this seemed to slip out I am inclined to think it is the truth. . . .
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