Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




Hotel Atlantic,

Restaurant Pfordte,




[Undated: circa mid June 1929]



Dear Serpent.




Will be in town some time on Wednesday. You might 'phone Mrs. Henderson, Aquila Press, Langham 3104 in the morning to see of she's got out, and left the phone for me as she should. Wire me on board Europe Southampton before noon that this is O.K. Otherwise I must go to Langham [Hotel]. If so, trot my stuff round there from the Eiffel [Tower Restaurant and Hotel] so as to be in time for my arrival.


Then find out when my special train arrives from S'hampton and ask Mrs. H. to be at Aquila when I get there.


How did you let 1904 pass on the prospectus of Vol. III [of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]? "The Unnatural Child" is a stupid title: if P.R.S. [P.R. Stephensen] must improve on Ewers "The artificial child" would at least give the meaning.


Point out these to Thynne [Major Robert Thynne]


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