Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Atlantic Hamburg, Germany
June '29 [circa mid-June 1929]
Cora [Cora Eaton] arrived this A.M. and we went to Hagenbeck's [zoo] in the afternoon, so it has been a very zoological day. I hope to wind up the evening in St. Pauli. Ha!
Cora is glad that Karl [Karl Germer] is going into the Publishing Business. Thynne wrote a very good letter about K.'s [Karl Germer] £1000, reaching him in the nick of time, 1/2 hour before we left Berlin. So now I'm preparing her to put £2000 into the Aquila [Press]. I shall offer K. ordinary stock to the value of his loans to date, but if possible pay the interest to April 30 in cash. (I already gave him £50, as I told you.) I think you should make an effort to pay Cora the interest to date on the $5000. That would, I am sure, secure her rejoicing assent to the new loan.
I'm proposing to offer too Ordinary Stock for your loan. So make out the amount. The difficulty immediately before me is to complete the purchase of the Aquila, and start full steam ahead. The show-room needs special lighting put in: with that, one ought to get £10 a week for rent from partners.
I shall collect social businesses to give receptions weekly. Perhaps your mother would act as hostess for No. 1.
The main point of the Aquila is to restore the conditions existing before the War, when I was making £2000 or more a year without effort. This time it will be £5000 at least, as I have learnt a lot since then.
I am turning out Mrs H. and the rest, so that we can have the place to ourselves at night, and start a Circle.
The main point to attend to at once is the purchase and working capital. I may have to wait till July for the second £500—unless I can get a bill discounted, or [illegible] comes in. I'd rather wait a month before bothering Karl and Cora for their —2000. And I must be in a good position to bargain with Thynne.
I don't propose to issue any new books till September, but to get them all ready for them, and have a really good list. And spend the season in collecting cash and coronets.
Marie [Maria de Miramar] is very much better, but must stay in storage till Parliament rises. Meet you 7.0 P.M. Wednesday at Aquila unless I wire to the contrary.
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In haste.