Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




[Undated: circa mid-July 1929]







1/4 h[ou]r to spare.


So I add:


Immediate cash depends largely on your pushing through the subsidiary contracts (serial, movie, and other rights) and arranging for a monthly a/c [account] or getting them to make a monthly allowance on these rights, whether they win out or no.


They mustn't think we need it too badly, of course, or they'll exact harder terms.


Hope your vac[ation] has done you lots of good.


But it was a pity you weren't here.


Write me Hotel Astoria Leipzig, though I may be in the country awaiting the Registrar's Certificate.




This modern trick of tying up honest people is damnable. The only profit-getters are the criminal classes, who need no licenses to rob and murder.


But when [illegible] fully some—[illegible]!


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