Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




[Undated: circa late-July 1929]







Yours of 24th and long one, dateless.




To Leipzig Aug 14

Marriage Aug 16 11 A.M. (Heed this call[?])

In Berlin Aug 17

Leave Berlin Aug 19 either by Hamburg or direct

Home Aug 20 - 22 as may be.


London. You might get us a furnished flat new [illegible] for 3 months. I'd better be in town and on the job. Also, I need an occulist badly. Please spot the best. And my nose must be cleared. de M. [Maria de Miramar] must visit the o. and v. friend of Q Alexandra for her English, and a dentist.


Regardy [Israel Regardie] is English, and has done nothing voluntarily to forfeit that status since he became of age.


Will see Birven and tell him he's got to come out for us whole-heartedly or go and ———— himself.


Now: Your 1)a


Lamare must get the photo back from Paris Midi-'Detective' (Clarke Alevelle[?])


1)b I have read no memoirs


1)c Good.


2) Just what Bayley would do! I enclose letter for Lamare, also for Pitt and Scott. You write about the worm Noble Hall. Let S and G make him see that he'll get a kick in the a—— if he tries to slough off.


Bronze Head. Alas! I think they sold it in Cefalu. But: the founders were the people in Paris who did Mc[illegible] work and they have kept the moulds. I hope to God they have! I don't know the name; but the [illegible] 2 Rue Bréa knows.


3) Don't send anything. Await my arrival. The Thelema Verlag has gone [illegible]. It's now [illegible]-something. But I'll get . . . .


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