Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Georgian House, Bury Street, St. James, S.W.
July 23, 1929
Yours of 22nd.
Not agitated at all—but wait til you get Regardie's [Israel Regardie] report!
I don't know where you got the idea that I was in a hurry about legal action in France. I may have expressed myself badly; but I have other fish to fry.
The long short of it is that [illegible] out—apparently because our Vice-Consul doesn't know the source of my income!!! So I sent Karl Germer and Cora [Cora Eaton] over a day early, and they picked up de M [Maria de Miramar] and took her straight to Leipzig, where is in "happily with Martha," [Martha Küntzel] as Germer wires me. (The Belgian Police haven't found Regardie!!!)
I hope to sign contracts to-day, and the moment that is done (but not before) I go straight to Leipzig. I want to be back here by end August time. Then we shall want more, and lots more, unless the Krumm Heller [Arnold Krumm-Heller] Villa plan comes off. I can't possibly draw any from Mandrakes before Jan '30, or their own showing; and the contract will prevent me selling things elsewhere.
Ex[pens]es—with all this entertaining etc—are fantastically heavy.
I live with The Vampire to-night.
Terribly overworked, but very cheerful. Brussels cured my rheumatis and nerves at a single stroke.
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