Correspondence from William Lee [Marriage Registrar] to Aleister Crowley






William Lee

Superintendent Registrar

St. Martin Registration District

15 Henrietta Street,

Covent Garden,





Edward A. Crowley Esq.

Georgian House,

Bury Street, S.W.



24th July 1929



Dear Sir,


I beg to advert to the Notice which was accepted provisionally yesterday, and to inform you that it is necessary for you or your fiancée [Maria de Miramar] should ascertain as to whether the British Consul at Leipzig will be prepared to act upon my Certificate, which can be issued on the 14th August if the Registrar General approved after both Decrees of Divorce have been submitted to him. Your Decree I already have and I understand that Madame Ferrari's will be brought to me shortly.


Yours truly,


William Lee

Supt. Registrar.


