Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




die [Sunday] Aug 11







Very wet yesterday, so did a Magick—so well that I am quite insane with lust to start new pictures etc. I've got to have a workshop and get down to business. I have two or three things right in my head, and am furious at being in this damn valley. All the same, it's doing me good.


The moral, though, is that if the Consul will put de M [Maria de Miramar] straight on my passport without any fuss, we shall probably come straight through, and be in town Saturday night for dinner, I suppose, though I don't know the trains. Sunday we can clear "the decks for action and start to paint on Monday. P.R.S. [P.R. Stephensen] might be in town Sunday to settle 100 points.


Will write you on leaving Leipzig time arrival Lpl. Str..


93     93/93






P.S. I must see that oculist on Monday, too.


Can you make a date for me?


