Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke







for telegrams



Aug 4 [1929]







A sad anniversary for me—the day we traveled back from Chogo Ri.


Yours of July 30. Make Bellamy[?] show you my letter. I meant to send you hers, but mislaid it.


My head is still on my own shoulders, thank you!


Zaehnsdorf [bookbinder]. I owed him £70, offered it him in '22, asking him for stock. He ignored the matter. The South African man with beard is the late Murray [Adam Murray]. He and Mudd [Norman Mudd] sold the Eq[uino]x[e]s for a song, and pocketed the money without telling me—this while we were pawning our shirts to send them supplies. Medley is thought a B.F. in 6 foot electric signs by the vast majority of the human race for liking Cezanne and Van Gogh. . . .


Think you're wrong about Monty Evans [Montgomery Evans]. He told me he'd spotted somebody in London who had swindled him last year, and wanted him jugged. You may have misunderstood him. I never suggested anything of the kind you mention. Bur—I've seen the real Communism in Leipzig, both nasty and dangerous. And I want to talk it over. The romantic imagination on some coffee-machine-beholders runs away with them.


Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] has data about Astarte. Mother Ninette Shumway 45 Ave Leon Gambatta, Montroye, Seine. She must be written to or advertised for so we can adopt Astarte legally.



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