Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




[Undated: circa September 1929]



C[are] F[rater]




Please keep up that "desperation" and the rest of it. Best thing you've turned out yet, that letter!


And the letter with cutting may be useful—so I'll keep it awhile.


Yorke [Gerald Yorke] sent your passport application to Office with a covering letter.


Terribly busy, and quite broke; but hope to send you cash to-morrow.


93     93/93







P.S. Yours of 18th Cecil Jones [George Cecil Jones]—just an old family fogey. Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller]—plain mule, I guess.


Don't talk American bollocks to me! She [Maria de Miramar] can take only liquid food, and has the doctor 2 or 3 times a day, and a nurse. You do look such an ass when you apply general theories (those of imbeciles at that!) to all particular cases.


You might be better yourself if you used bananas properly: and you deserve pine-apples!





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