Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
11 September 1929
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Yours of Sept 7 and 10.
Why should I be angry? But I'm driven to death with work, and the crises goes on.
Thanks for mag[azine]. V[ery] useful. The plan is to absorb J.K. [Krishnamurti]. showing that 666 is the Master whom he claimed would inspire him.
Work on the proof that he is preaching 93.
I loathe the "American University Jew" no less than if he were a dirty Yoga! The Jew I respect is an Oriental, with Eastern thought and ways, and no smart-Aleck "culture". Civilizing an Eastern brings out all his worst qualities. Observe: you don't want to Judaize Palestine, you want to Americanize it. More dollars to the square yard and more chewing gum to the square jaw!
The Jewish religion—even without the Qabalah—is not so bad. All the rules are definitely Magic rules, and understood as such. This by mere pushing tradesmen etc. More another time.
93 93/93
I sent your passport application form to Boitsfort. See that you get it.