Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Annie Besant




Brussels, Belgium



September 17th, 1929




Cara Soror:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The prophetic forecasts concerning the advent of a new World-Teacher, formulated when you were privileged by the Masters to present to the world through the London Convention of the Theosophical Society a few years ago, Jiddu Krishnamurti as the vehicle of the coming World-Teacher, have been fulfilled to the letter. It is now permissible to announce publicly that the great Adept who was to have inspired Krishnaji is THE MASTER THERION—666, the Logos of the New Aeon of the Crowned and Conquering Child Horus.


The recent dissolution of the Order of the Star by its Head is seen, of course, to be in the nature of a masterstroke prior to his actual assumption of Office, and preparatory to his task of re-construction. Having really become the World Instructor, he is to utter, by virtue of the inspiration of the Master Therion, a new Law; a Law capable of expression in a single word—THELEMA.


Thus, in the past, we have the word TAO uttered by Lao-Tze; JAHWEH by Moses; ANATTA by Gautama; IAO by Dionysus; ALLAH by Mohammed; and so forth. The full interpretation of all these words, when investigated philosophically, historically, or qabalistically, contain the whole doctrine. Further, that word must be self-evidently Truth; i.e., it must be recognized as fitted—and uniquely fitted—to the immediate necessity of mankind, or to that section of mankind for him it is uttered, at the moment of its utterance.


I am authorized, therefore, definitely to advise you, as the President of the Theosophical Society, that the World-Teacher—The Master Therion using Krishnaji as an intermediary—has appeared as an emissary of the Great White Brotherhood, and having fulfilled every one of the necessary conditions, He has, in due form, proclaimed His new Law, the word of which is THELEMA.


The implications of the Law of Thelema are simple enough, theoretically. "Do what thou wilt" does not mean "do what you please;" although this degree of emancipation is implicit. We can no longer sat à priori that any given course of action is "wrong." Every man and every woman has an absolute and indefeasible right to do his or her True Will. At the same time, to quote the Book of the Law, heralded by the Master, "Thou hast no right but to do thy will." So then, the new Law really announces a stricter bondage than any previous law and this is in accordance with biology; that an organism progresses by self imposed limitations.


The World-Teacher brings to free and enlightened men a law, by virtue of which mankind may arrive at a new and higher state of advancement on every plane, from the biological to the spiritual; a law of liberty and of love; a law of discipline and force. Krishnaji stated at the Star Camp at Ommen this year:


"You are all depending for your happiness on someone else. . . . . Your whole outlook on life is based upon authority."


The Law of "Do what thou wilt" sweeps away authority; it is the key of every problem which can confront the human mind, for it implies not merely a new religion, and a new philosophy, but above all, a new ethic. For the first time in history, we are able to conceive of moral science as truly a science, for the conclusions of the World-Teacher are derived from dynamic measurements without reference to absurd axioms and imprudent postulates.


"You are accustomed to authority" was the keynote of Krishnaji's broadside at Ommen. "Thou hast no right but to do thy will" commands the Book of the Law.


"My only concern is to set men absolutely, unconditionally free"—said Krishnaji. "I took upon myself in my turn, the sin of the Whole World, that the Prophecies might be fulfilled"—this is the Oath of the Master Therion, by virtue of whose Law we shall be made free.


I need not remind you that the critical situation existing today for several reasons within the Theosophical Society threatening momentarily a complete disruption of affairs, is one which must cause much anxiety to you, as its President. But all these causes for worry will immediately be transcended following you public proclamation that Krishnaji is the vehicle of the World-Teacher—The Master Therion—666—and that he will preach a new Law, Thelema, finding its expression in "Do what thou wilt."


It is our duty to proclaim the Law and, more particularly, the advent of the Master, and it remains for us as individuals to rally to this formula of the World-Teacher. All hatreds and sectarian quarrels should be swept away by adhesion to His new Law. By preparing the way of the Master in this manner, we may induce him to guide us openly without the need of a specially consecrated vehicle. Let us, then, pierce the glamour of gloom so subtlely woven around His person by the Masters, lest our ears be confused by the falsehood of the lewd rabblement and become deaf to the voice of the Great Work, which we, in the knowledge of our higher . . .


[remainder of letter missing]


