Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson





Oct 4 [1929]



Dear Louis.


Yours of 3rd. Yes, indeed, I want to see you very much. I'm not sure how to fit inserts, and your personal presence is needed.


Vol. 1 [of the Confessions of Aleister Crowley] should appear on 20th inst. And vol 2 only a few days later.


My news are X.O.P. Marie [Maria de Miramar] ill, self full of minor ailments, no money, nuffink!


Do send me "L. by A."—only my birthday is the 12th.


Hope you'll be in town for the party!


Yours ever,





Dr. Louis U. Wilkinson

7. St. James's Terrace

Regent's Park




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