Correspondence from Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Aleister Crowley





Pitt & Scott, Ltd.

General Shipping, Forwarding & Passenger Agents

25, Cannon Street,

London, E.C.4.



Sir Alastair Crowley,

Georgian House,

Bury Street

St. James's, S.W.



19th October 1929



Dear Sir,


We respectfully beg to refer you to yours of the 3rd September addressed to our Paris House regarding a quantity of pictures which you require packed and forwarded to Mr. Edward Goldston, 25, Museum Street, London.


On instructions from our Paris House, we have been in touch with Mr. Edward Goldston regarding the rental, packing and freight charges which will be payable on the pictures on arrival, but until quite recently we have not been able to obtain any definite news from him.


However, he now informs us verbally that he will pay the packing and carriage expenses on delivery of the pictures to him, but he refers us to you for the Rental charges, which we are advised by our Paris House amount to date to Frs. 2016-75 as per their account herewith.


We therefore respectfully request that you favour us with a remittance for the above amount at your earliest convenience so that our Paris House can proceed with the packing and forwarding of your pictures as per your instructions without further delay.


Always at your service,


We are,


Yours faithfully,




