Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Ivy Cottage,

Knockout, Kent



November 10th, 1929.



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letters of the 7th and no date. Marie [Maria de Miramar] seems perfectly well. She came back yesterday.


I have written to Lecram [Press] correcting the latest discovered error.


I will send Nick [Lieutenant Colonel John Carter] the first two volumes [of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] together. I want to get him thoroughly interested about the India part.


Starr [Meredith Starr] was magnificent. He revealed the greatest inferiority-complex that I ever saw in any human being. Almost every word he says is dictated by the anguished desire to feel himself a hell of a fine fellow. Can you give me something of his antecedents? I did not want to cross-examine him about them.


I am sorry to hear that Gardner is so bad. I wrote to him explaining that I want to get all the pamphlets of the G.D. [Golden Dawn] round, and any correspondence that he had on the subject. It is important, I think, for the history of the Order to dig up everything relative to it, from the time of Eliphaz Levi's relations with Lytton.


I shall send Cope [Stuart R. Cope] the first two volumes; he ought to be able to sell them on commission.


Your letter of no date. I wish you would manage to see Regardie [Israel Regardie] on Monday, as he is going to London to get his passport. The immediate urgency is for Stephenson [P.R. Stephensen] to have all documents pertaining to the Book of the Law, the Commentary in 4 parts, and the volume called Part 4 of Book 4.


I want volume 3 to be devoted exclusively to the Book of the Law, and I want it sufficiently complete to fulfil the instruction given in the Book. It is quite reasonable to think that our failure to do this until now is largely responsible for the holding-up of the whole show.


I hope the £125 is arriving today, and will be safely in my bank for Monday. I can't at all understand why you said it was only £105, because 200 minus 75 leaves 125, or used to do until quite recently.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally




P.S. More of your accuracy. Bibliotheque Nationale instead of de l'Asseinal.


P.P.S. Please have my easel and the portmanteau full of paints sent from storage down here—666.


