Correspondence from Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Aleister Crowley




Pitt & Scott, Ltd.

General Shipping, Forwarding & Passenger Agents.

25, Cannon Street,

London, E.C.4.



Alistair Crowley Esq.,

C/o Mr. E. Goldston.

25 Museum Street.




11th November 1929



Dear Sir,


Referring to previous correspondence you have had with our Paris House regarding a consignment of Paintings we are pleased to advise that the paintings in question have duly come to hand.


However upon tendering same to Mr. Goldston [Edward Goldston] he stated that he was not now prepared to accept delivery or pay the packing and freight charges which total £3-18-6.


The paintings have therefore been returned to our warehouse and we shall be glad to have remittance for the above amount together with disposal instructions at your earliest convenience as meantime the pictures are on hand at owners risk and expense.


Yours faithfully,


Pitt & Scott Ltd.



[note: in the hand of Crowley]

Please deliver to order of the Mandrake Press.


Aleister Crowley


