Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Captain Patterson
Ivy Cottage, Knockholt, Kent.
November 14th, 1929.
Dear Pat:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have not yet had an answer to my last letter. I hope that does not mean that you have been too ill to write.
I have asked Pitt & Scott [in a 14 November 1929 letter] to send you three drawings, which appear to be my property, though I cannot, recognize them at all. They seem to think that they are made of silk, and might have to pay a high duty on entering England. But perhaps you would be good enough to send them next time you despatch a King's messenger and have them delivered to the Mandrake Press, 41 Museum Street, W. 1. And thank you very much.
Do write or get Lina to send me a card. I am really very much concerned about what Germer [Karl Germer] told me of your health.
Love to Lina.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever.