Correspondence from Charles Petts & Co. to Aleister Crowley
Charles Petts & Co. Southwark Bridge Buildings London S.E.1.
Aleister Crowley Esq., c/o The Mandrake Press, 4, Museum Street, W.C.
November 22nd/1929
Dear Sir,
We are anxious to include in our BOOKLOVER'S DIARY a number of short notes on the books of famous living authors, chosen by themselves.
We should therefore be very grateful if you would be kind enough to answer in a hundred words, or less, the following question:
By which of your published works do you prefer to be judged—and why?
The answer will appear as a weekly Footnote to the Diary.
We apologise for bothering you but anticipate that a short reply will be of great interest to the large bookloving public who use this Diary.
We enclose a specimen copy of the Diary and a stamped addressed envelope.
Yours faithfully,
Charles Petts & Co.