Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to The Mandrake Press
4th. December, 1929.
The Mandrake Press, 41, Museum Street, London, W.C.1.
Dear Sirs,
I am much obliged for your letter of 22nd. November, and for your courtesy in so speedily sending me the two books I had referred to. I am enclosing a cheque value £2.7.0. in payment of your invoice in that respect. Please acknowledge receipt at your convenience.
I was not in Lisbon when the books arrived and this is why I am returning with one week's delay. I am often away from Lisbon for some time, and this will explain some similar delay—not likely to extend over a fortnight—in any future remittance you may similarly not receive in what seems to you decent postal time. Please send me each volume of the Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] as soon as it is issued, and in the same manner as you sent this, registering the parcel always, and sending me by separate letter (or simple postcard) a notification that you sent the volume.
If you have occasion to communicate, as you probably have, with Mr. Aleister Crowley, you may inform him that his horoscope is unrectified, and that if he reckons himself as born at 11h. 16m. 39s. p.m. on the 12th. October 1875, he will have Aries 11 as his midheaven, with the corresponding ascendant and cusps. He will then find his directions more exact than he has probably found them hitherto. This is a mere speculation, of course, and I am sorry to inflict upon you this purely fantastic intrusion into what is, after all, only a business letter.
Yours faithfully,
Fernando Pessoa
Cheque n.°155095/6905 Sacado pelo Banco Lisboa & Acores Sobre o National Provinial Bank Limited