Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Dennes, Lamb, & Pearce Gould




Ivy Cottage,

Knockholt, Kent.



Dec. 11th, 1929.



Dennes, Lamb, & Pearce Gould,

22, Chancery Lane,

W. C. 2.



I am unable to trace in my passbook any payments from you since October 3rd. It seems that there are two months in arrears.


I have now arranged with the Home Office with regard to the journey of my daughter [Astarte Crowley] to England. As the advance of £25 made early last year must now have been nearly paid off, I should be glad if you would enduce the trustees to make me another similar advance immediately, so that I can have the child over here for Christmas.


I understood from Mr. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] that you had a paper for me to sign, and that you were sending it to me. But I have received nothing of the kind.


Your immediate attention to these points will oblige.


Yours faithfully,





EAC / ir [Israel Regardie]


