Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to The Mandrake Press







15th. December, 1929.


The Mandrake Press,

41, Museum Street,

London, W.C.1.



Dear Sirs,


I thank you for your letter of the 9th. And for the second volume of the Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. Both were received yesterday (Saturday) afternoon; as I am leaving Lisbon to-morrow in the early morning. I shall not be able to remit the amount of your invoice except on my return, which will be on the twenty-somethingth of this month.


I have also received the letter from Mr. Crowley which you expected I should receive. To this I shall reply also at that time.


I am sending you, as a peace-offering and just as a curiosity without interest, three booklets of English verse I published here some time ago. They, as the present letter, will be posted from Lisbon on Tuesday—not to-morrow. Similar booklets for Mr. Crowley will be posted to-morrow. I separate the two postal sendings because the last time I sent several of these booklets to people in England, I sent them all by the same post, and only one of them reached its destination; though all were registered, all but that one were seized some-where.


I see that you have sent me, with the second volume of the Confessions, a prospectus of the Fanfrolico Press. I am afraid that these editions do not interest me: I have no bibliographic interest in any book. My interest in Mr. Crowley's Confessions is of a different order.


Yours faithfully,


P.S.—Please ask your typist to disannex Portugal from Spain. Thanks.


