Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Fernando Pessoa
Ivy Cottage, Knockholt, Kent,
Dec. 22nd. 1929.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thank you very much for the three little books. I think they are really very remarkable for excellence.
In the Sonnetts, or rather Quatorzains, you seem to have recaptured the original Elizabethan impulse—which is magnificent.
I like the other poems, too, very much indeed.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally
Aleister Crowley
[handwritten] I have, indeed, taken the arrival of your poetry as a definite Message, which I should like to explain in person. Will you be in Lisboa for the next three months? If so, I should like to come and see you: but without telling any one. Please let me know by return of post. 666