Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Leon Engers Kennedy




Ivy Cottage,

Knockholt, Kent.



January 10th, 1930.



My dear Kennedy:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It is a long time since I saw you. Will you let me have a note telling me how things are going. Love to Dickie.


I have been painting very hard this winter, and hope to have an exhibition about June/ There is also a possibility of showing some pictures in Berlin. I remember that you always said that was the place. Could you give me a few tips as to how to approach people there? I may be going myself to Berlin in a short time, and if there are any comparatively human people, I should like to meet them. Perhaps you can give me one or two names.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever,



AC / ir [Israel Regardie]


