Correspondence from Arthur Calder-Marshall to Aleister Crowley




[on the stationary of "The Oxford Outlook", 49 Broad Street, Oxford.]



4 Beaumont St.




Jan. 20. [1930]



Dear A.C.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Miss Watts could not be gaffed suitably and so I could not give you the particulars about the Poetry Society necessary. I hear from Speaight [Hugh Speaight] however that he has made the requisite arrangements with you. If you choose, Miss Watts can bring you up by car from London, but she will probably be returning the same evening after the Poetry Society meeting, while you I hope will be stopping the night.


I should like the details of this romantic man-hunt of yours before laying hand to whip.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


Arthur Calder-Marshall


