Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Wilfred Talbot Smith




Ivy Cottage

Knockholt, Kent



11 Feb 30



Care Frater V.O.V.N.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I enclose herewith a booklet [The Banned Lecture]. The facts in the matter briefly are these. One of the students at Oxford [Hugh Speaight], interested in Magick and in communication with 666, was also a member of the Oxford University Poetry Society. He persuaded the Society to invite the Master Therion to lecture, and the subject chosen was "Gilles de Rais". 666 accepted the invitation, and his lecture was already prepared when a letter arrived from the Secretary of the Society cancelling the meeting, on the grounds that disciplinary action had been threatened by the University if 666 spoke.


I need not remark, I feel sure, that 666 did not let the grass grow under his feet. The lecture was sent hurriedly to the press and printed, and was sold on the streets of Oxford the morning following the date of the proposed lecture. Placards were printed, and various newspapers contained columns in connection with the banned lecture. In short, while the lecture would have been heard by only some 50 students at the most, the booklet was seen and read by several hundreds.


It appears, however, that the University had nothing to do with it at all. There is a Jesuit, a Father Ronald Knox—restriction be unto him—at Oxford for the purpose of bringing the undergraduates to Rome in the manner which is well known. Well, he tried to bluff the secretary of this schemester, we leave him to the gentle reproofs of the University authorities.


I do not think that the matter will be permitted to rest there. Certain developments are taking place, which perhaps it is inopportune to relate at the moment. But should anything of real importance take place, I will make it a point of keeping you advised.


Love is the law, love under will.


With all good wishes.


Yours fraternally


358 [Israel Regardie]



