Correspondence from Israel Regardie to Unknown Correspondent
Ivy Cottage, Knockholt, Kent.
Feb. 24th, 1930.
Dear Sir:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Mr. Crowley is in receipt of your charming note of the 6th instant, and has requested me to thank you very much for the same.
We are indeed pleased to learn that you enjoyed the STRATAGEM and the two other stories. There are many more short stories in the ten volumes of the EQUINOX, from which "The Testament of Magdalene Blair" and "His Secret Sin" are reprints.
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of the prospectus of THE CONFESSIONS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY. On the back you will find a list of the publications of Mr. Crowley. I may also advise you that in the near future several publications of short stories and detective stories are contemplated.
Mr. Crowley is not Irish. He comes of Norman stock, and was born in Leamington Warwickshire.
Love is the law, love under will.
With every good wish,
Sincerely yours
Secretary to E. A. Crowley