Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Nancy Cunard




Eiffel Tower,

1, Perey Street,




March 27th, 1930.



My dear Nancy:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks for your charming note. I am having the figure [horoscope] very carefully cast, and will give you a full judgment in a few days. In the meanwhile, you may have had some troubles beginning about the 24th of this month, which may last until the middle of April, or later. It may be things that you do not know about or events happening elsewhere which would affect you when you heard them. Beware also an accident around the 13th of April. I don't see anything very definite about money just at the moment. There does not seem anything working very strongly for you or against you at present. But next year there should be a very strong impulse to launch out.


Marie [Maria de Miramar] has run away to Germany with my best friend. So that is all right.


Will write you again in a few days.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours ever,



AC / ir [Israel Regardie]


