Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Isidore Kerman
[Undated: circa mid April 1930]
Write to P. G. Konody, Esq., [Paul Konody] 26 Cavendish Street, asking him to call to discuss the question of investing in the new Aquila Press.
Same to Guy Knowles, Esq., 4 Park Row, Knightsbridge.
Both of these people are interested in fine production and rare editions.
Write to Tattersall asking him to introduce capital, and offering him a commission.
Write to Mitchell Kennerly, publisher in New York, suggesting that he join me in this venture. Ask him when he is likely to be in London. My address in Germany will be c/o Herrn Karl Germer, Lietzensee Ufer 9, Berlin Charlottenberg.
With regard to the negotiations with Thynne [Major Robert Thynne], it would be well to get these as far advanced as possible but the terms must be those of a friendly cooperation between the two companies, and there must be no question of the one absorbing the other.
Write to principal creditors (printer and binder) offering 50% cash and the rest in bills at 90 days. If they do not like these terms, I will pay them in full but will have no further dealings with them. I shall leave with Kerman a cheque for either £300 or £800. If the former, he must dig it out of H. Watson Turner, Esq., 59 Wimpole Street.