Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Maria de Miramar




Oddenino's Hotel,

Regent Street,

W. 1.



April 1st, 1930.



Darling Lady Crowley:


Karl [Karl Germer] rang me up on the telephone this morning just when I was sleeping nicely again after awakening very early, missing you very much. He said you had got all right to Leipzig and were very happy and learning English very fast. I thought you might have written me a letter before now, and I should certainly have written you one but I have been rushing round from morning to night getting business through so that I can come to Germany as soon as possible.


Everything has gone very well so far as getting out of immediate trouble is concerned, and I hope to be able to say to-morrow that everything is progressing with great speed.


Please give my love to Martha Küntzel and mind you are a good girl and take as much as you can off her shoulders. You have got to learn to pull your weight in the best. Now you are over 200 kilos, it will require a considerable effort.


I left the Eiffel Tower, as I am red-hot to do business and must have a telephone by my bedstead. I must have got through some 20 to 30 calls today, and I have seven appointments for tomorrow. But it does me good to really be active once more, especially now that everything is so promising.


I am so busy that it will be quite impossible for me to sign this letter, so the Serpent [Israel Regardie] is going to draw the Mark of the Beast at the bottom.




