Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to The Mandrake Press





Oddenino's Hotel,

Regent Street,

W. 1.



April 16th, 1930.



The Mandrake Press,

41 Museum Street,

W. C. 1.



Dear Sirs:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I beg to acknowledge receipt of 100 towards the expenses of my visit to Germany. It is understood that this money is a fee in recompense of my service in


(a) endeavouring to raise money for you,


(b) selling on your behalf the translation rights or your books, and


(c) buying on your behalf the translation rights of suitable German books.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


E. A. Crowley



666 / ir [Israel Regardie]


