Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Winifred Henderson (Aquila Press)




[Undated: circa May 1930]


Mrs. Henderson.



I am going to take the horoscope that I originally drew as being incorrect, for it fits you exactly whereas the one done for 5 o'clock in the morning does not fit you at all. Probably your mother got such a shock when she saw you that she did not wake up until the sun woke her.


The Lady of the horoscope is the Moon, which is in the midheaven on the cusp of the 11th house in the Sign of Taurus. The moon is exalted in Taurus so that you get the best out of her. You are very practical, but very sweet and romantic with it, and I think you are doing right to go on the kind of career that you have chosen, especially as the Lord of the 10th house, which governs professions, is in good aspect with the Moon, and in a sign denoting writing, and publishing of the belle-letter type.


You have Jupiter rising in the second house in a favourable sign, and this means that you ought never be in want of ready money, that you will always be getting lump sums without having to pay too dearly for them.


The sextile of Neptune indicates that these should come from friends (for Neptune is in the 11th house which governs friends) engaged in artistic pursuits, or from persons who are eccentric in character. Talking of friends, however, Mars is likely to make you have violent quarrels at times, but these are likely to be short lived and end in reconciliation.


Talking of your personality, by the way, I should have mentioned that the Sun being trine to the Moon, you should be able to do a great and important work for mankind. There is however danger from time to time of serious opposition from old people, stolid people, obstinate people, earthy people, malignant people in high positions, and miserly people and you should beware of the treachery of such persons.


Your mental characteristics are very well balanced. There is a soft glow of illumination about your thought which makes you the charming companion which I have found you.


I do not think you should have much to do with propositions concerning real estate, mines and the like. There is here much danger of deception and downfall.


Saturn and Herschel are in conjunction in the house of Pleasure and Children. I think you are very fortunate to have been able to produce any at all. Your general vita sexualis is very well explained by these planets and also the near opposition of the Moon shows the two separation of interests between your physical and emotion lives. Your health, generally speaking, is good, but you must seriously beware of over indulgence. There seems to be very serious troubles about marriage, and you should be very careful how you enter into a partnership or deal with public enemies.


Your life should be a very long one and your death quite sudden—which, I suppose, is as good an arrangement as one can expect.


In science, religion and philosophy, you should be very fortunate, and long journeys should be very pleasant and successful for you.


I have previously dealt with the question of your career and reputation. But I must add that you will have to be on your guard against nasty people starting scandal about you.


Your private enemies may be distinctly annoying. They may try to get you into serious trouble in one way or another.


At the present moment Jupiter is very favourable to you as he is passing through the house of your friends. Your business ought to bring you great publicity, but of rather a dangerous kind.


