Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
[On the stationary of:] The Aquila Press Limited 2 & 3 Langham Chambers All Souls Place, W.1
10th May. 1930.
Montgomery Evans II Esq., c/o Bankers Trust. Place Vendôme, Paris.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
I was so surprised and glad to get your card. Curiously enough I spent my Easter Holidays in Berlin, and had a gorgeous time. As soon as you get there go and see Karl Germer, Lietzensee Ufer 9, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Telephone West End 7890. And I hope you are coming to London very soon.
Germer will tell you all about the new developments in Mandrake [Mandrake Press] and Aquila.
Let me know your movements.
"Love is the law, love and the will." [sic]
Yours ever