Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer




14th May. 1930.



Dear Karl,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I wired you this morning to the effect that I have made a satisfactory arrangement with Thynne [Major Robert Thynne]. Draft contracts will be sent you, a separate one for me, but modelled on his.


About Adler [Alfred Adler], you should write to him, recalling yourself to his mind. Ask him to write a book on Wilhelm II from his individual analyst point of view.


This will appeal to him specially as one of his chief doctrines is that he rejects the Oedipus complex, and claims that everybody goes wrong because of the will to power.


I think that it will be safe to offer him £100 advance on royalties if he can make the book say 80,000 words. If he only proposes to write a small brochure it would be perhaps £50.


This would be repaid to us out of his royalties which I think we could tell him would be 15%.


Love is the love, love under will.




