Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Aleister Crowley




The Aquila Press Limited

2 & 3 Langham Chambers

All Souls Place, London W.1.



Carissime Frater:


I thank you very much for your letter of the 19th. It is curious you should put the question as to the probability of my going to London shortly. Such a probability did exist in February, but it never became an actuality. Yet it so happens that it recurred recently, a few days ago, and your letter has come exactly upon the recurrence.


Yet I really do not think I shall go to London shortly. It is far more likely that this may occur in the Autumn. However it may be, I shall inform you quite in advance.


I have not forgotten my promise to you in respect of your nativity, and I shall keep the promise. But, for reasons in themselves astrological, I have not touched astrology these last months, being deprived by aspect, not of the knowledge, but of the intuition with which to waken it into certainty.


I am addressing this letter to you at the Aquila Press, and hope that this is right,


Yours fraternally,


Fernando Pessoa


Has no volume of your "Confessions" appeared after the second? I have received none.


